Why Choose Us

We bring companies to you. Guest speakers from companies like Microsoft, There are many opportunities for members to participate with professional companies in workshops, events, and informational meetings. These discussions and lectures from various companies will allow members to develop their professional abilities and skills while also hearing suggestions from respected professionals about interview techniques, resume practices, and dressing professionally at career fairs.

2017 SHPE National Conference | Kansas City, MO


SHPE National Conference: The 2017 National SHPE Conference was held in Kansas City, MO and we had the pleasure of sending 19 of our members to the conference. We had enormous help from the Dean of Engineering, Daryl Pines, and much financial support from UMD’s departments of Engineering most notably the Mechanical Engineering Department. We had our President Keyanna Franklin receive a full-time job offer from Accenture and many other members receive internship opportuntites from this event.

GBM #4

Huge thanks to everyone who came out to came out to GBM #4 yesterday!

Thanks to the workshop, we will begin to plan our Mission Trip to Puerto Rico to help those who have been absolutely devastated by Hurricane Maria.

Also do not miss our GOOGLE Company talk next week on Monday, October 9th @630 in KEB 1110!