The SHPE – UMD chapter is aware of the low enrolment rates of under-represented minorities in science and engineering programs. In response to this concern, our chapter has developed an annual pre-college event geared towards, but not limited to, high school sophomores and juniors. Our chapter hopes that our Noche de Ciencias (Night of Science) will inspire young minority students to consider a future career in science and engineering. In addition, we are in the process of starting two SHPE Jr. Chapters to encourage and retain minority interest in engineering through middle and high school.
Noche De Ciencias
Noche De Ciencias or (Science Night) is a two hour visitation program at a hosting school that is carefully selected. This year, Parkland Middle School has been chosen to host our Noche De Ciencias event. Each year, the members of SHPE – UMD get together and organize an inspirational night of science to remember. This year we visited groups of students, parents, and educators to share with them some inspirational words, provocative thinking, and most importantly share our struggles and suggestions with the students. The parents were given a separate workshop to learn more about where to get money for college, how to help their kids stay motivated at school, and let them know that there is a group of engineers in their community they can always reach out to.
SHPE Jr. Chapters
SHPE Jr. Chapters provide youth with opportunities to participate in hands-on STEM activities. Members have the opportunity to attend the Pre-College Symposium held at SHPE’s National Conference, participate in academic and engineering summer camps, compete in National Science Bowls, participate in local science fairs along with many other opportunities. SHPE Jr. Chapter members also receive mentoring and develop leadership skills through the active involvement of SHPE Chapter members. SHPE-UMD has targeted Parkland Middle School and Wheaton High School to be our first SHPE Jr. Chapters due to their high Hispanic presence. And now more recently, we have established a SHPE Jr. Chapter at Bladensburg High School. We look forward to soon bringing you news on the progress of these chapters.
Benefits to Supporting This Event:
-Community Outreach: A phenomenal opportunity for your company to give back to the community
-Cultivating Young Talent: A perfect chance to showcase your company to future college students