RLDC: Region 4! Say No More!

  RLDC is a wrap! Not only did we get to see other great UMD Alumni (amongst 400+ SHPE members), but we personally had the chance to talk to and take a picture with THE Raquel Tamez, CEO of SHPE! Not half bad for a weekend, right?

Spring GBM #2


If you weren’t able to pull through to our last GBM, you missed a professional yet hilarious session. We went over classic tips on how to be successful for career fair season, but we also figured “why not play charades and have pizza?”

UMD SHPE and Wizards VS. Bulls

UMD SHPE and the Washington Wizards take on the Chicago bulls in this classic match-up! We got the chance to see the Bulls and Wizards up close and personal before the game, and oh… may I say, we won.

Giving Back in DC! :)


Today the SHPE familia gave back to the ones in need! All the trails mix packaged by the familia will be donated to Martha’s table, a non-profit that’s devoted to leveraging the access of healthy foods for children and their families!

SHPE National Conference 2019!

UMD’s SHPE chapter had a PHENOMENAL time in Phoenix, Arizona! Among the 9500 SHPE members that attended this year, this chapter had the chance to interact and network with Latinx professionals and as well as listen to talks within the tech and engineering industries 🙂

This year’s national convention was the largest it’s ever been in the past 8 years, and this familia couldn’t be more grateful to be apart of it. #SHPE2019 #SHPEFamilia #Region4

AirBnB Company Talk!

If you didn’t come out tonight, you missed out on some trivia! AirBnB not only stopped by to talk about their job opportunities and application processes, but we got to learn fun trivia facts on the company itself!

First GBM with Google!!!

UMD’s SHPE chapter kicked off their first General Body Meeting with Google!!! We had the opportunity to hear all about the exciting internship and full-time opportunities (outside the scope of SWE) for Engineering and CS/IS students! 😀